Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Trailer: Paranormal Activity 2

Paranormal Activity was a pretty big success and like any big success in Hollywood, they'll make a sequel out of it. With that in mind I have the first trailer for the upcoming sequel. The trailer is fairly effective for what it intends to do, which is draw the viewer in. Be weary however if you haven't seen the first film yet, because this trailer gives away the ending to the last movie. Take a look for yourself below....

Friday, June 25, 2010

'Rise' Adds Lithgow & Pinto

Last month 20th Century Fox's prequel to Planet of the Apes, landed James Franco in the lead role. It was the first time the project had warranted enough interest for me to even post the news. This week further casting news has broke surrounding the origin story. Actors John Lithgow and Freida Pinto have signed on to star in "Rise of the Apes." Read the full report after the break....

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Review - Valhalla Rising

Set in 1000 AD, a mute one-eyed warrior has been held captive by a Norse Chieftain for years. Used for gambling, the mute warrior is pitted against other men in gladiator fashion. When a slim opportunity for escape appears, One-Eye takes it, slaying his captures and propelling himself into a voyage of self discover...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Trailer: The Green Hornet

Yesterday was our first look at images from "The Green Hornet" and today is our first trailer. I wish I could rejoice with excitement about a Michel Gondry action, but unfortunately this trailer does nothing for me. Regardless of my opinion, the first trailer is here and ready for your vieweing pleasure after the jump....

Monday, June 21, 2010

Crank Duo Eyeing Ghost Rider

Sony/Columbia has been moving fairly slowly on developing a sequel to the 2007 Ghost Rider. The Marvel comic was widely panned by critics but was able to make a substantial profit at the Box Offices worldwide. With potential to make a fistful of money again, there is no reason to question why the studio is moving forward with "Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance." This month news has surfaced that Crank and Crank: High Voltage directors Mark Neveldine...

Poster: The Social Network

If you would've told me there was going to be a movie about Facebook and I was going to be excited for it, I would've said you were an idiot, but you would have been right. "The Social Network" is nearing its October 1st release date and as a result our first poster has been revealed. Take a look at the poster and a little bit more about the upcoming release after the jump....

Marvel Unveiling Film Shorts

Marvel and now Disney have a vast library of characters at their disposal. Not every one of these characters however have a huge dedicated following like Spider-Man, X-Men or Iron Man. Getting some of the lesser known characters on to the big screen can be a tricky task, but Marvel/Disney may have found their solution in Short Films. Read the full details after the break....

New 'Green Hornet' Stills

"The Green Hornet" has had itself a bit of a rocky process from inception but were finally starting to see what the finished product will look like. Today two new stills have been revealed and I have them here for you below. Since this title was announced I've gone back and forth on excitement level and these new stills are not helping. Take a look after the jump....

Trailer: The Smurfs

Last week we got our first look at "The Smurfs" and now I've got the trailer for you to watch. Some warning must be given, if you are a long time fan of the cute and cuddly Smurfs, you might be better off not watching this teaser. It is terrible! I grew up watching the Smurfs all the time and after watching this trailer, part of my childhood feels like it has been crapped on. See for yourself after the break....

Trailer: 'Voyage of the Dawn Treader'

"The Chronicles of Narnia" movies have been something of a disappointment to date. Both their financial success (or lack thereof) and the final product of each film has seemed a bit lacking. So much so, Walt Disney Pictures abandoned the franchise after the first two films. 20th Century Fox since scooped up the rights with Walden Media in order to hopefully finish off the series and possibly reap some benefits along the way. Recently the first trailer...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Smurfs in NYC Revealed

One cartoon I grew up loving was The Smurfs and just like everything else I grew up loving, a major Hollywood studio is making it into a feature length movie. Today courtesy of USA Today, I have our first look at the cute little blue Smurfs in New York City. NYC? You may be thinking, weren't the Smurfs from a medieval time period? Yes they were, but not anymore. Take a look below for the full details on the upcoming "The Smurfs" live-action/CGI...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Levy's Real Steel Shooting

Hugh Jackman can't spend all of his time playing a clawed X-Men, as much as he'd probably like to, and because of that today I have some input on his next acting gig. Jackman will be headlining Shawn Levy's latest titled "Real Steel." A movie set in the future that see's Jackman become a boxing coach for a nearly junked robot. Sound interesting? Take a look at the full breakdown along with two behind the scenes stills after the jump....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Review - The A-Team

A group of four Iraq War veterans are framed and wrongfully prisoned. Looking to clear their names, one by one each member of the group is broken out of prison in order to devise a plan, reclaim their military status and prove their innocenc...

Review - Splice

Two up and coming genetic scientists have been working side by side for a major agriculture corporation designing a much needed protein. Their research has been primarily successful through splicing different animal genes, but when one of them decides to include human DNA into the experiment, their careers and ethics are put to the test by the creation of a new organism. As the creature begins to grow it develops a bond with both scientists, a bond...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Review - Get Him to the Greek

A Record label employee and super fan Aaron Green is given the task to escort the notorious rock star Aldous Snow from London to Los Angeles for a 10 year Anniversary concert at the Greek Theater. Given Snow's reputation, Aaron knew his task wouldn't be easy, but he never expected he would have to lie, coerce, enable and befriend Aldous just to get him to ther...

Review - Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Adopted as a young boy by the King of Persia for showing bravery, Dastan grew into the Prince his father hoped for. However when Dastan is framed and made into a fugitive after his father's death, the adopted son must join together with a Princess to prove his innocence and save his place in tim...

Friday, June 11, 2010

MGM's Woes Shelve Red Dawn

For sometime now we've seen MGM's financial woes stall a number of properties. James Bond and "The Hobbit" are two prime examples of this, but now were hearing that another upcoming title might have hit a speed bump too. The remake to the 1980's cult hit "Red Dawn" may be officially shelved by the problematic studio. Take a look at the full scoop after the break....

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Les Grossman Movie on Way

I've never been a big Tom Cruise fan, he is an egotistical maniac, one that has way too much credit for mainly sub-par acting over his career. What boggles my mind is that Cruise embodying exactly what he is has worked in his favor. Plenty of people including me enjoyed his character in Ben Stiller's action comedy Tropic Thunder, but now were gonna have to watch a full length movie because of the success of a 15 minute character. Take a look at...

More Marvel Rumors

Over the last week a couple more rumors have surfaced surrounding a number of Marvel projects. None of these reports have been confirmed (as of yet) but that doesn't mean they are not titillating enough to ponder and talk about. The rumors include the upcoming Spider-Man reboot, 20th Century Fox's latest attempt at the X-Men universe along with a potential reboot to the Fantastic Four. Take a look at the full stories below....

Updates: Fright Night Remake

The remake to the 1980's cult hit "Fright Night" is gearing up fairly rapidly. The last time I covered the project back in April, Anton Yelchin had been cast in the title role of Charlie Brewster. Since then we've gotten a few new cast members along with some more details about location and plot developments. Take a look at who else is in "Fright Night" and exactly where the update will take place after the jump....

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Breed of Mortal Kombat

Were you satisfied with the Mortal Kombat movies? Some were and some bitterly disappointed. I come down right about in the middle. The first 1995 film was okay. It's fun for what it is, but it wasn't gory or violent much like the video games are. Fast forward to now and we have a group of individuals who want to make a Hard R-rated Mortal Kombat movie for the masses. They want to make a bloody and gory Mortal Kombat so bad they've even gone ahead...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Another Hitchcock Hybrid

Generally I don't get upset over remakes. Sure I'd rather some original thought, but seeing another person's take on a story isn't so bad. Granted their are movies I'd rather not see remade, but getting all up in arms seems like a waste of my energy. Let's face it, until remakes start bombing at the Box Office, studios are gonna continue, which brings me to this current post. This summer production on a hybrid Psycho is starting and I thought I'd...

Friday, June 4, 2010

3 Circling 3 Marvel Projects

Yesterday and today word has broke on 3 different upcoming Marvel projects. The projects being "X-Men: First Class," "Captain America: The First Avenger" and "The Avengers." Each of these titles have tremendous excitement around them and these new developments only add to the excitement of production. Checkout the full breakdown after the jump.....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sneak Peek: The Walking Dead

If you've been following along at home "The Walking Dead" series is coming to AMC this October. The series will follow the graphic novel penned by Robert Kirkman and is being directed/produced by Frank Darabont. This week the series begins shooting and some behind the scenes images have popped up online that give us a frightening look at the zombies we'll be seeing in the upcoming cable series. Just like you've guessed, I have them here for you...

Captain America's Suit Revealed?

Our first look at what could be the look to Captain America in the upcoming Marvel movie has leaked online and I have it here for you below. There is no official announcement by Marvel that these concept images are the official designs for "Captain America: The First Avenger" but they are the closest thing for now. Take a look for yourself below....