Friday, February 15, 2013

13 Anticipated in 2013

Each new year we have movies that we are aching to see. Films that we've talked about or tracked so much we may even know down to how many days till the particular film releases. A handful of years ago I pondered, why not jot them down and share, which is in a small way the genesis of this website. Anyhow, before I fall down a rabbit hole of memories, let's get into this particular post; my most anticipated of 2013. Last year I listed twelve films...

Monday, February 4, 2013

Top 10 of 2012

2012 was a year that I took a step back from my writing. I started the year with intentions of continuing to write my thoughts on the films I was seeing and anticipating but as the year pressed forward finding that time was harder for me than in previous years. Now at the end of the year looking back and reflecting I regret not making more time to keep up with my writing, regardless it is time to count down my Top 10 of 201...